Boba Fett

Boba Fett Lovemail

This entire carrd is dedicated to the amazing and absolutely perfect Boba Fett!!! If you don't like him then I'm sorry but I can't relate lmaoooooo!!!!!!! UwU

Basically I'm just here to explain why Boba means sooooo much to me, you know? <3

(Warning, I do talk about my personal life a bit. If that's an issue, I don't really recommend this read.)

Episode I: The Lego Menace

Boba Fett

It all started when little kid me was given a copy of Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. See, that's how I got into the source originally, not with the movies. I remember my father and I were playing the story mode all the way through, but Episode II stuck out to me in particular: young Boba Fett. When little six-to-eight year old me saw him, I was HYPED. I thought he was adorable, so at the soonest chance I could I created my custom Lego character to be his little girlfriend or whatever. I then noticed he became Green Jango Fett in the later episodes and when I say I was ASTONISHED!!! Green is a beautiful colour. Anyways, my first loving moment with him was when I would go back to Ep2-Ch2 and unlock that secret dance floor room and have my two controllers set as me and Boba Fett. Young love is weird like that.

Episode II: Attack of the Exes

Boba Fett

For a while I completely dropped Star Wars because my Xbox broke and I couldn't be with my love Boba Fett. In fact, that was a major Dark Age era from when I was twelve until I was sixteen. I had quite a few other loves that were not fictional (although sometimes I wish he was real), but none of them filled the void nearly as well as he could (with the exception of one person who is now my qpp). I ended up falling in love with a boy (who I will leave unnamed) who briefly inspired me to get back into Star Wars, since he himself was a fan, but eventually he sucked a lot and I couldn't stop associating Star Wars with him. He completely ruined the source material, or so I thought. After a while I found a new love. That's right baby, that's when I met my current boyfriend. Everything was completely normal with this crush until...

Episode III: Revenge of the Fett

Boba Fett

... I saw his icon was none other than Boba Fett. As if some dam in my brain broke with a sudden burst of high pressure, memories of my childhood crush came flooding into my mind like a whitewater rapid. I remembered those afternoons after dinner when I'd hide in the basement and roleplay my dating life with Boba Fett. I remembered how warm it made me feel as a kid when I felt like nobody else was there for me. Through it all, I ended up dating the closest thing I had to Boba Fett. Eventually my boyfriend changed up his theme though, so I had to turn to other ways to keep the feelings alive.

Episode IV: A New Fixation

Boba Fett

Initially it just started with me reading up on Boba's lore on Wookieepedia and making a SWsona that was also a bounty hunter. At some point I ended up watching the six main movies and would go nuts every time Boba was on screen. After finishing the movies, my love for him only increased despite him barely being on the big screen. I started getting into the Clone Wars TV series (which I am still in the process of watching) and seeing him appear in the show was quite a present, even if it was only his younger self. Eventually I resorted to actively searching for Boba Fett merchandise in stores, starting my own small collection bringing me one step closer. My goal is to own as much Boba Fett content as possible. Unfortunately, it didn't stop there for me.

Episode V: The Sona Strikes Back

Boba Fett

Remember that bounty-hunter SWsona I mentioned in Episode IV? I took her a step further. Initially she never had any connection to Boba besides just knowing who he is, but then I decided I wanted to be Extra Cringey and decided that I was going to start a fanfic on AO3 where the two go from rivals to lovers. I created an entire squadron for my sona, and I sat down to establish my lore ground rules. I don't know everything about Legends so frankly I'm just winging what I know. I'm not even taking this that seriously either way, I just wanted an excuse to fantasize about being able to smooch the hottest stud in the galaxy. This is my adult-life equivalent of what I did back in Episode I where I'd just roleplay in Lego Star Wars. Instead I'm just roleplaying on a document. This was all the more casual and fun that I got to do before really clinging onto Boba more than I already did.

Episode VI: Return of the Relatability

Boba Fett

(TW: death mention, just skip ahead of this episode if this bothers you)
Once my father had passed away, I found myself back at his house months later and playing Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga on the Xbox he purchased a year beforehand. My sister wanted to do the free play with me, and as we pulled up the menu I found myself instinctively going to Boba Fett's character. I'd only switch off of him if absolutely necessary, since playing as him started to relieve a lot of the pain I was feeling. I still haven't really figured out why Boba of all characters was the one to cheer me up, but he was. That night when I was laying in bed I started to realize why now more than ever I was clinging onto Boba for life support. We both lost our fathers in harsh, sudden manners. We both grew bitter from it and had to pin the blame on someone. For him it was Mace Windu, and for me it was initially myself and later my own family. We both were hyped up to be something amazing and then burned out in the most anti-climactic way possible. Legends information did speak to me on a personal level, though. Boba was able to survive what tried to knock him down, so who's to say I can't? I view Boba as a role model of what I wish to be when I get older. I want to overcome my short-comings. I want to be able to live as myself. He's what I wish I could be, and that's what so alluring about him. I guess life was steering me his direction because it knew his arc is what I would need to cope through my pain.

Deleted Scenes

Boba Fett

Yoooooo I'm sorry this got so personal but like tbh he's been the biggest coping character in my life like ever??? I owe him a lot despite the fact that he's a fictional character.

If y'all made it this far somehow, thank you so much for taking the time to read this. If you want to let me know you read this just send me a "💚🔫" but you don't have to! It's just nice knowing that somebody took the time out of their life to hear me vent and then say "oh this character is my new coping mechanism" like six times in a row LOL!!!!!

Anyways I love y'all sm!!!


Boba Fett

Current Boba Merch I Own:
~ Boba Fett Card Deck ~
~ Boba Fett Itty Bittys Toy ~
~ 2D Lego Boba Fett Backpack Tag ~
~ 3D Lego Boba Fett Keychain ~
~ 3D Boba Fett Keychain ~
~ Star Wars Shirt with him on the side of the picture ~

Merch I Wish to Own:
~ That One 8500$ Life-Size Boba Fett Statue ~

(Click the image if you wanna see the statue)

Boba Fett

If you would like to read the AO3 fic (WIP), click the below gif!!! ^^

Boba Fett